Sunday, November 1, 2009

Moved...and Halloween...

Moving In...I moved in with Bryan a little over 4 weeks ago, and I love living with him. The month before I was going to move in flew by because I was so busy at work. But things settled down at work just in time for me to start packing. So Heather and I packed our cars and started the big move.

The day Bryan signed the offer on our house.

Our first snow storm.

Heather and I have lived together for close to 2 years. We've had so many good times in the Foothill house. Heather is my best friend and I'm so glad we got to share those experiences together. I'll miss living with Heather but I'm looking forward to starting my life with Bryan. And who knows maybe I'll get Heather to move to Bountiful so she's closer to us. Anyway thanks for putting up with me for so long Heather.

January 2008, first night in the Foothill house.

September 2009, the day I moved out.

Happy Halloween....
Bryan and I had our first Halloween together in our house. So we got to decorate and pass out candy to all the neighbor kids. Of course I dressed up as a witch. Bryan didn't want to dress-up but I did get him to put on my cape. We had a lot of fun passing out the candy, and we had a pretty steady stream of kids all night.
Happy Halloween!


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