Monday, December 26, 2011

Week 17...

 Profile of our baby.


 Hands, arms and legs.

Heart and heart beat.

*How far along?
17 weeks

*Maternity clothes?
I'm loving the maternity jeans.

I'm having a hard time sleeping on my side.

*Best moment this week
Seeing your little baby for the first time, and finding out my cousin is also pregnant.

I can't feel anything, but I think all the moving is why I'm still sick now and then.

*Food cravings
White chocolate covered Oreo's and I can't find them anywhere.

It's a girl. Well we are 85% sure it's a girl.

*Labor Signs

*Belly Button in or out?
Still in.

*What I miss
Sleeping through the night.

*What I am looking forward to
The next ultrasound on Jan. 13 my Nanna's birthday.

*Weekly Wisdom
Eat small meals more often.

The baby room is on it's way. Well, I know what we're going to do in there.


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