Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...

On Christmas Eve the whole family went up to my grandma's house and shared stories about her and past Christmas memories. My Aunt put together a great DVD of pictures of my grandma. It was a lot of fun, and we all had a great time. It was a hard time for all of us but it was good to be together.

As for Christmas my family decided to wait until Sunday for Christmas presents. I got Rock Band for my Wii and everyone had a great time playing it. I love the drums!

Rock on!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I Miss You...

January 13, 1928 - December 23, 2008
Nanna, I love you so much, and I miss you already.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


The day after Thanksgiving my family and I go out into the forest and cut down a tree. We have to get a premit ($10 per tree) at a local store. For a long time we went to the Utah/Wyoming border this year we headed up to Idaho. We always have a lot of fun hiking around in the snow.

My parents dogs came with us and they loved the snow.

My aunt and I looking for the perfect trees.

This was my cousins first year going and they want to come with us next year too.

My dad carrying my Christmas tree.

My dad and I enjoying the day of hiking. We are already looking forward to going back next year.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for...

I'm thankful for my great family and all the time that I get to spend with them.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Party at Sudeep's house!!!

Sudeep bought a great condo about 6 mouths ago, and he finally decided to have a house warming party. So now the pressure is on for me to have one since I moved into my place 8 months ago. All joking aside we all had a great time, and Sudeep's house is so cute.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can!!!

I was so excited to cast my vote, I did it on the 1st day of early voting. It really happened, and it's almost been 24 hours and no recount. I am so proud to say that Barack Obama is the United States of America's next President. The race was called at 9:30, November 4th, and I thought I would have to wait all night. President Elect Barack Obama is definitely the RIGHT man for the job. Obama gave an amazing acceptance speech that moved the whole nation. I am proud to say that this election the youth vote (under 30 years old) really got out there and represented.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


About 10 years ago my Aunt told us about the scariest movie in history. She assured us there were no special effects and we thought that here was no way that The Changeling could be scary. So we hunted down a VHS copy (that's right... old school), and now every Halloween night we watch it. No matter what time I get home on Halloween the night isn't over until it's viewed. So yes I watched this year too, and yes it is just a scary as the first year I watched. So scary that Heather (my sister and roommate) would not watch it. So if you haven't ever seen The Changeling before, you should check it out. By the way, it is not the one with Angelina Jolie in it, but that one does look good too.

So just a final thanks to my Aunt Suzy for scaring the crap out of me for the past 10 years.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Jessica had her 2nd annual Witches night out on Friday. It was a lot of fun! When a group of Witches get together there's no telling what will happen...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sorry It's been so long....

Best Boss Ever....

I know It's been weeks since my last post. I've been working a lot lately. I love my job, so it's easy for me to become a bit of a workaholic. It's true I have the Best Boss Ever. Rasoul is so great to work with and he is a really a great teacher. He just came back from a meeting for one of our projects and he brought me a very cool bottle opener and a purse from the trip.Doing want I love...

Pottery is something that I have been doing here and there for about 10 years now. I started in high school, and have taken classes at Salt Lake Community College, and the University of Utah. My mom has been taking a class on Friday mornings from the same professor that I had at the U. Last Friday I went with her and it was so good to catch-up with the Diane. It was also great to make some pottery again. The picture below is of what I started.

Monday, September 22, 2008

How to Find Oil and Gas

Vaughn and I attended a short course on 'How to Find Oil and Gas' by Dr. Craig. Rasoul (my boss) had set the lecture up for the Geology department at the U. It was really interesting and we learned so much.
Now I can't wait to test out my new skills!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

These boots were made for hiking...

I had Friday off, so I decided to go hiking. Bell Canyon is a glaciated U-shaped valley. You park across the street from the end moraine (sediment that was pushed down by the glacier) and for the first part of the hike you are between lateral moraines.

The trail pretty much follows the stream all the way up.

This is the first reservoir.

By the reservoir there are a lot the these big granite boulders that were brought down from higher up in the canyon.
The trees in the canyon were already changing colors.

This is just a little bit past the first reservoir. From here the trail is mostly through trees.

This is the first waterfall. On the way up I talked to a guy and he asked me if I knew how to find the waterfall. I told him I didn't. He said "Watch for where the stream crosses the trail. Then just up a little on the left there will be a big pine tree with a trail next to it and that's the way to the waterfall." I thought I would never find it with those directions. But about 20 minutes later the stream crossed the trail and there was a big pine tree on the left. I even gave the same directions to a couple on my way down.

I loved the waterfall. It was gorgeous and I could have sat there all day.

The hike was about 4.6 miles round trip up to the first waterfall and back. A great hike on a day off.

And I think it's time for a new pair of boots. This happened on the way up and I should have taken a picture of the duct tape bandaid.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Geologists on the loose...

Okay yes I know this is on my Myspace but it's really funny. I did make a few small changes.

How To spot a geologist in the wild, look for:
* Hand-lens, compass, pen-knife, etc. tied around neck with string.
* Ownership of a pet rock (in the case of palaeontologists, this will be their closest friend).
* Takes photos, that includes people only for scale, and has more pictures of rock hammer and lens cap than of their family.
* Someone with collection of geology books that rivals the size of his rock collection.
* Someone who brings beer instead of water when hiking.
* Wears a
lot of polar fleece.
* Often has hair in a pony-tail (this applies to male or female geologists).
* Someone who considers a "recent event" to be anything that has happened in the last hundred thousand years.
* Someone who licks and/or scratches & sniffs rocks.
* Someone who eats dirt and claims to be "getting an estimate of grain size"
* Someone who will willingly cross an eight-lane interstate on foot to determine if the outcrops are the same on both sides.
* Someone who can pronounce the word molybdenite correctly on the first try.
* Someone who has hiked 6 miles to look at a broken fence that was "offset by a recent earthquake".
* Someone who says "this will make a nice christmas gift" while out rock collecting.

If you remain unsure, ask the subject to draw an anotated diagram of a trilobite. A true geologist will immediately reach for their waterproof notebook - this is your opportunity for escape.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Crazy About The Olympic Games

Overall Medal Count






United States

























Great Britain










I have been overly obsessed with the Olympics this year. I watched all weekend and last week I watched whatever I could while I was getting ready for work, at lunch and as soon as I got home. I'm rooting for all the counties, but I have three favorites The US, Germany and Great Britain. So as of today at 11:30am the US are in first place, Great Britain is 6th and Germany is 7th.

Happy Olympic watching...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Who's in for GSA???

I'm so sad, I don't think that I will make it to the Geological Society of America's annual meeting this year. I've been the last three years. This time it's in Houston and when you add the Hotel room, travel and the price of the Meeting it's too much. The past years I went with groups of friends, and it was much better to split the cost.....if anyone is interested in going let me know, it's always so much fun!!

So here are some pictures from the last three...

Salt Lake City, Utah (2005)
Yeah, I couldn't find my pictures from that one :-)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2006)
Special thanks to my Aunt Suzy and Judy for letting me stay with them and showing me the sites.

Denver, Colorado (2007)

Come on.....I know you wanna go!!!


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