Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Brock...

Our handsome little guy is turning 2!
He is such a great kid.
Right now he loves anything having to 
do with space or the moon. He loves
dancing and playing with his big sister.
He knows all of his colors and 
draws with crayons all the time.
He loves Play-doh and the movies Home and
Frozen. He likes to play in the dirt, 
collect rocks and stomp or splash in
any amount of water he can find.

He loves his kitties and any bouncy ball.
His favorite binky is the blue one.
His favorite food is a hot dog and jello.
He is a sensitive guy with a contagious laugh.
He prefers the freedom of no pants.
Brock loves to cook, and especially crack eggs.
He wears his ballet shoes around the house 
and spins until he's dizzy.

Happy Birthday sweet Brock,
we love you so very much!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Snow Day...

It was quite a out of the shower
and the lights went out.

When the sun came up we discovered that our big willow tree was broken.

There was a lot of monkeying around.

We did a lot of playing.

And then some indoor snow playing.

A serious amount of horseplay.

Finally, late afternoon exhaustion...
just as the power was restored.

After waiting all day for new snow boots, 
we went out to play in the snow and to shovel. 
Sophie loves the snow.

Brock loves the snow but, doesn't like to 
walk in it land prefers to be carried. 
Bryan and I took turns.

It was such an adventure!

Friday, December 11, 2015


We took the kids to see Zoolights. 

It was a little cold but we brought cookies and milk so the kids were happy.

The lights were pretty and we all had so much fun.

Santa was there so we stopped in to say "hi."

Sophie and Brock wrote Santa a letter.

They patiently waited their turn!

And they patiently waited some more!

Sophie was very excited and made sure Santa know exactly what she wanted.

  Brock was not so excited. Maybe next year.


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